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protect your rights.

Our Constitution, the foundation of our freedoms as Americans, is only about 7,000 words or 25 pages long, yet many students and adults find it difficult to read and understand because of its over two-century-old language and unusual words. The People’s Guide to the United States Constitution was written with simple definitions and examples so now the original text can be read with understanding in just a few hours.

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Thomas Jefferson’s Solution to Abuses of Constitutional Power

Thomas Jefferson’s Solution to Abuses of Constitutional Power

I’m Dave Kluge, author of The People’s Guide to the United States Constitution.

Thomas Jefferson gave us the solution to abuses of Constitutional power.

He said:

“I know no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education. This is the true corrective of abuses of constitutional power.”–Letter from Thomas Jefferson to William Thomas Jarvis, September 28, 1820.

The Majority of Americans Today Have Not Read and Understood Our Constitution

The news is filled with arguments over the Constitution and alleged abuses of Constitutional power. Yet surveys show the majority of Americans have not read and understood our Constitution, the supreme law of our land, even though it’s only about 7,000 words or 25 pages long.

In researching my book, I went out on the streets and asked all sorts of people, “What would it be like to live in a country where everyone you met had read and understood their Constitution?”

People of all ages and groups said there would be more respect and cooperation, the government would not violate people’s rights and people could work together to make that country better. I’d like that. Our Constitution and the human rights it protects provide a common ground we can all share. The power to protect and preserve our freedoms begins when “We the people” become familiar with our own Constitution.

In 1787 People Read It, Discussed It, and Had Strong Opinions About It

In 1787, when our Constitution was being debated by the states, before it was approved, newspapers at the time printed the entire text of the Constitution, with arguments for it and against it. People read it, discussed it, and had strong opinions about it. I’d like to see that level of understanding of our Constitution approached again today.

So, how can it be that so few people have read and understood the Constitution today? Well, it was written in what is now over two century-old language, with lots of unusual words. Many people simply can’t get through it today.

Why Read My Book?

The solution is simple because of the way I have structured and written my book.

All unusual words are defined, with simple examples of what is being talked about, so people can read straight on through with understanding.

I give just enough background for people to understand who came to America to settle hundreds of years ago; what they believed in; and what our War of Independence was all about. So people can read with understanding our Declaration of Independence, which in my mind is one of the most beautiful and aesthetic documents ever written.

Then, why was the Constitutional Convention called; what happened at it; and the actual text of the Constitution. People can read my book in just a few hours and walk away with their own understanding of what these documents say, as I let the Declaration of Independence and Constitution speak for themselves. All with “no-spin.”

I’m on a personal mission to help get the majority of Americans to simply read and understand the Constitution for themselves.

If generations of Americans were well-versed in our Constitution when we started and continued on our way to becoming the greatest country on Earth, then it certainly makes sense that today’s generations should be well-versed in our Constitution as well.

“We the People” Can Correct Abuses of Constitutional Power

I urge you to encourage people to simply read and understand our Constitution for themselves, and by this education, “We the People” will know how to correct abuses of Constitutional power.

Thank you.

Free Homeschool and Educator’s Guides


You can help your students and children know and protect their rights with The People’s Guide to the United States Constitution and complimentary study guides.

Our Constitution is only about 25 pages long, yet many students find it difficult to read and understand because of its over two-century-old language and unusual words. This book provides simple definitions and examples so students can now read the original text with understanding in just a few hours.

The People’s Guide to the United States Constitution by Dave Kluge lets the Constitution speak for itself, all with no spin. Encourage your students and children to become educated Americans. Help them discover for themselves what the Constitution actually says, means and how it applies to everyday life.

Click the “Free Download” link  to download your free guides.


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