What Happened to a Constitution for “Rational and Social Beings”?

What Happened to a Constitution for “Rational and Social Beings”? In Noah Webster’s famous 1828 dictionary, he defined “constitution” as “A system of fundamental principles for the government of rational and social beings.” You cannot find a modern dictionary that even vaguely has the concept of rational and social beings linked to the definition [...]

What Happened to a Constitution for “Rational and Social Beings”?2024-05-23T21:48:21+00:00

Why Study the Constitution?

Why Study the Constitution? The American form of government has been the most successful among nations for the last 230 years. The Constitution has been a beacon to people around the world seeking freedom in their own countries. Yet, how many of us today are truly familiar with the document and principles that we [...]

Why Study the Constitution?2023-10-22T22:54:14+00:00

What is Constitution Day?

What Is Constitution Day? In 2004, the U.S. Congress passed a law designating September 17 as “Constitution Day and Citizenship Day” to commemorate the signing of our Constitution in Philadelphia on September 17, 1787. This law instructed: each federal agency to provide educational materials concerning the Constitution to all employees every September 17, and [...]

What is Constitution Day?2023-10-21T00:42:29+00:00

Constitution Quotes from Thomas Jefferson (from Monticello.org)

Constitution Quotes from Thomas Jefferson (from Monticello.org) Extract from Thomas Jefferson to William Johnson Monticello, June 12, 1823. on every question of construction, carry ourselves back to the time when the constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit manifested in the debates, & instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text, [...]

Constitution Quotes from Thomas Jefferson (from Monticello.org)2023-10-22T23:00:05+00:00

What Would America Be Like if Everyone Read and Understood the Constitution?

WHAT WOULD AMERICA BE LIKE IF EVERYONE READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE U.S. CONSTITUTION? Some years ago, I was watching a presidential debate on TV and the three leading candidates each contradicted each other regarding a point in our U.S. Constitution. No one seemed to notice the discrepancy, including the moderator and candidates. I realized [...]

What Would America Be Like if Everyone Read and Understood the Constitution?2023-10-22T23:11:21+00:00

Pledge of Allegiance – explained

Pledge of Allegiance – Explained The below link gives a video of Red Skelton delivering and explaining the words to the Pledge of Allegiance. This is from The Red Skelton Show on CBS January 14, 1969. Red tells us that one of his teachers in school explained the Pledge of Allegiance this way so the [...]

Pledge of Allegiance – explained2023-08-27T17:09:32+00:00

End the Fed?

End the Fed? In his book, End the Fed, Ron Paul argues that the Federal Reserve system, not money, is the root of all evil. He argues that the Fed causes all sorts of trouble, from wars to depressions to economic bubbles. This is in line with what Thomas Jefferson said about paper money leading [...]

End the Fed?2023-10-22T23:27:32+00:00

Did “separation of church and state” originate with the Constitution?

Did “separation of church and state” originate with the Constitution? The phrase “separation of church and state” does not appear in the Constitution. It traces back to a letter written by Thomas Jefferson to the Danbury Baptists on January 1, 1802, in which he reassured the Baptists that their religious freedom would be protected. He [...]

Did “separation of church and state” originate with the Constitution?2023-10-16T13:17:34+00:00

Take Our Constitution Quiz

Take Our Constitution Quiz I’ve added a new Constitution Quiz page – please try it out and have fun! Click on the tab above entitled “Quiz” – and let me know what you think.

Take Our Constitution Quiz2020-06-18T20:08:31+00:00

Happy New Year for our Constitution in 2011!

Happy New Year for our Constitution in 2011! It’s now a new year and I’m filled with high expectations for our country and its regard for our Constitution. Indeed, I feel a classic Hollywood ending is coming our way. Rep. Scott Garrett (R-NJ), Founder and Chairman of the Congressional Constitution Caucus, introduced a bill on [...]

Happy New Year for our Constitution in 2011!2023-04-28T21:40:12+00:00