American Citizenship

To become a naturalized U.S. citizen, you must pass the naturalization test given by the U.S Citizenship and Immigration Services, which is a test about the United States and its government.

Sample tests, study materials and information are available at the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services web site.

The People’s Guide to the United States Constitution can help!

Many people have found it easier, more enjoyable and helpful to learn the basics about the United States and its Constitution in their quest to become American citizens by reading The People’s Guide to the United States Constitution by Dave Kluge.

One of our very happy readers had this to say:

When my wife and I came to live and work in USA we first spent time as green card holders with the thought that we would eventually return to England after a stint working in the US.

However the time came when the USA had become more home to us than England and we decided to become American citizens.

We soon found that we needed to know a lot more about American history and the Constitution in particular in order to qualify for citizenship. But where to get this vital information?

We found Dave’s book which contained the very information we needed. Once having read this book we were able to sail through the Immigration Officer’s questions. In fact I think that after reading The People’s Guide to the United States Constitution we knew more than the Immigration Officer and I am happy to say we were accepted as American Citizens as a result of studying this book.

David & Patricia Curtis

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