Image of the U.S. Constitution

What Happened to a Constitution for “Rational and Social Beings”?

In Noah Webster’s famous 1828 dictionary, he defined “constitution” as “A system of fundamental principles for the government of rational and social beings.”

You cannot find a modern dictionary that even vaguely has the concept of rational and social beings linked to the definition of “constitution.”

The Meaning of Words Change Over Time

There are numerous examples of words changing their meaning over time. Just a few examples are;

* “Nice” originally meant “foolish” or “silly”. Now it means generally pleasant.

* “Meat” once meant any sort of food, now it specifically refers to animal flesh.

* “Pretty” once meant “cunning” or “tricky,” now it means beautiful.

“Silly” once meant “blessed” or “happy,” now it means foolish.

How the Meanings of Words Change

Some examples:

Cultural Shifts: As society evolves, so do the meanings and connotations of words. For example, the word “gay” originally meant “happy” or “carefree,” but it has since evolved to someone who has a romantic orientation towards someone of the same gender.

Technological Advancements: New technologies and inventions often necessitate new words or repurpose old ones. Think of terms like “internet,” “smartphone,” or “meme,” which didn’t exist decades ago.

Social and Political Movements: These movements can create or change the meanings of words to reflect their values or goals. For example, the term “woke” has recently gained prominence in discussions about social justice. It has undergone a significant shift in meaning over time, particularly in recent years. Its original meaning in African American vernacular English referred to being alert or aware of racial prejudice and discrimination.

However, starting in the 2010s, “woke” expanded its meaning to encompass a broader awareness of social inequalities and injustices, including sexism, LGBTQ+ rights, and economic disparities. A recent USA Today poll found that Americans are divided on whether “woke” is a compliment or an insult.

Other Simple Examples:

  • Dictatorships: North Korea calls itself the “Democratic People’s Republic of Korea”. Communist China calls itself the “People’s Republic of China”.
  • “Collateral damage” instead of “civilian casualties”
  • “Enhanced interrogation techniques” instead of “torture”
  • “Rightsizing” or “downsizing” instead of “layoffs”

The Word “Liberty” as Used in Our Constitution

At the time the Constitution was written, the word “liberty” had as an integral part of its meaning, the responsibility not to infringe on others’ rights. This concept has been totally lost to modern dictionaries. In modern language, “liberty” and “freedom” are often used interchangeably.

Modern use of the word “liberty” often focuses on individual liberties and freedoms, sometimes neglecting the importance of balancing them with social responsibility and the well-being of the community. This can lead to an “anything goes” mentality, where individual desires are prioritized over the collective good. And the obligation not to infringe on others’ rights is completely lost.

Not to Infringe on Others’ Rights

Not infringing on others’ rights is the key concept in having a constitution that is “A system of fundamental principles for the government of rational and social beings.”

Using the wrong, modern definition of the word “liberty” certainly doesn’t help create a system for “rational and social beings.”

For example: Some politicians may advocate for the liberty of free speech, even when it includes hate speech, harassment, or incitement to violence. This disregards the harm such speech can cause to targeted individuals and communities, infringing on their right to safety and dignity.

The Preamble Is the Gateway to the Constitution

The Preamble to our Constitution is an introduction.  It prepares the minds of readers for what comes next.  The Preamble gives the six purposes of our government. This gives the reader a clear understanding of our Founding Fathers’ intentions and helps them interpret the subsequent articles and amendments. It also contains the famous phrase “secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.” It is important to read the Preamble with the correct definition of Liberty to get the full concept of what our Founding Fathers intended.

The Easy Way to Read and Understand the Preamble—For Free!

The Citizens Academy US has produced a free flip book which clearly defines the old and unusual words in our Constitution’s Preamble.  Numerous people from many varied backgrounds have reported a vastly improved understanding using this free flip book and a renewed desire to read the entire constitution and make a better USA. Try it for yourself.

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